Tuesday, 4 June 2013

London 020 phone numbers, can no one get it right?

So its been 14ish years since the introduction of the 020 area code, and it is still being written down wrong. Are people just idiots?

For example I had a gotomeeting by Citrix(tm)  and this is the connect window:

But yet again, the London phone number was written down incorrectly in the format 020X XXX-XXXX.

The correct format is: 020 XXXX-XXXX. 

For local use just dialing the XXX-XXXX (i.e. the bit after the 020X area code) in London will not work. The correct local number is XXXX-XXXX which is another reason to separate it from the area code of 020.

Also it would have made the above phone number just a little easier to dial... i.e 020 3535 (see the pattern) 0624, as apposed to 0203 (which is not an area code) 535 0624 (no real pattern to quickly memorize and enter)